
Problem Solving Worksheet
Here are some examples of problem solving. Fill in the worksheet with examples from your own experience.

Notebook/Items to Include
The notebook could include sections for: Personal information – This includes important facts, such as your service member/veteran’s Social Security number, military service record, emergency contacts, and allergic reaction to medications.

Medication Log
Name/dose, Times Taken daily, Purpose, Prescribed by, Comments/Side Effects

Speaking up for My Family Member
Identify Yourself: State your name and identify yourself as a caregiver/constituent.

Coping with Caregiver Challenges
Stress is the mental and physical reaction to events that upset our balance in life.

Stress Test
This worksheet helps you to evaluate your stress level.

Caregiver Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Caregivers are often so concerned with caring for their relative’s needs that they lose sight of their own well being. Please take just a moment to answer the following questions. Once you have answered the questions, turn the page to do a self-evaluation.

How Can I Communicate with My Child About TBI?
Tips for communicating with your child about TBI.

Master Schedule
Sample Weekday Activity Schedule – tailor this for your family member’s specific needs

Home Care Team Volunteer Form
Name, Contact Information, What he or she would like to do

Contact Information
Health care team members, professional name, contact information

Caregiver Support Worksheet
Caregiving task, who can help, contact information

Home Safety Checklist
This checklist focuses on safety issues that commonly apply to individuals with perceptual and cognitive problems.

My Legal Documents
Check off whether or not you have each of the following legal documents for yourself and your service member/veteran with TBI. Do you need this document? If so, who will you contact for help? When?

Sources of Information About Residential Care
Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America National Resource Directory...

What Services Do I need?
Right now, you may be feeling overwhelmed and not sure which way you should channel your energy. It is always good to prioritize your concerns/issues. Doing so will help you focus your self-advocacy efforts. Here is a self-assessment tool that can help you determine the services you most need. Use this tool to identify benefits and services that you want to explore in more detail with your POC.

Is My Family Member Eligible for Services? Am I?
Is your family member eligible for certain benefits and services? It depends on his or her status within DoD and the VA. Here are some key definitions to keep in mind.

What is TRICARE and What Does it Cover?
TRICARE is a managed care program. TRICARE includes both direct care at military hospitals (MTFs) and purchased care (network care through Managed Care Contractors).

What Does the VA Health Care System Cover?
The VA operates the nation’s largest integrated health care system with more than 1,400 sites of care, including hospitals, community clinics, nursing homes, readjustment counseling centers, and various other facilities.

What is the TBI Continuum of Care?
Your service member (SM)/veteran will receive excellent medical care as he or she moves from treatment to recovery. The DoD and the VA worked together to create a Continuum of Care for service members/veterans with TBI.