Recovery Process Journal
What have the doctors told me about my service member/veteran’s injury? Describe the injury as best you can, in your own words.
Physical Effects Journal
What physical effects have you observed in your service member/veteran?
Cognitive Effects Journal
What cognitive effects have you observed in your service member/veteran?
Communication Effects Journal
What communication effects have you observed in your service member/veteran?
Behavioral Effects Journal
What emotional and/or behavioral effects have you observed in your service member/veteran?
Problem Solving Journal
What are the main sources of stress in my life? How do I handle it? How could I handle it better?
Children Journal
What questions have your children asked? How are they adjusting to the changes in the family?
Family Needs Journal
How has your relationship with your service member/veteran with TBI changed?
Legal Journal
What legal issues most concern you? Why? What do you plan to do to find answers to your questions and concerns?
Complete Set
Download the complete set of the above PDFs zipped.