Organizing Information

A notebook or electronic device helps a person with TBI and his or her caregivers keep information they need together in one place. See the Caregiver’s Companion provided with the Caregiver Guide. The Companion will help you get started organizing your paperwork.

You may end up with several notebooks or folders like this to keep track of all medical information. You may even want to enter information into a computer file.

The notebook may include sections for:

  • Personal information - This includes important facts, such as your injured family member’s social security number and emergency contacts.
  • Military service papers - Keep copies of military service records, medical boards, discharge forms (DD214).
  • Medication log - Write down all the medications prescribed, dosages of each, side effects (if any), allergic reactions (if any), and any other problems related to medications.
  • Medical reports, tests, scans - Ask for copies of all medical reports, tests, and scans, and file them in this section of the notebook. Your providers may be able to put CT and MRI scans of the brain on a CD for you, so be sure to ask. Keep these to share with future providers.
  • Notes and questions - Include blank paper to take notes and then insert the notes in the appropriate section of the notebook.
  • Resources and information - This is the place to keep all the forms and information you have received at appointments.
  • Calendar of appointments - Track all appointments on paper or electronic calendar.

You may want to keep a separate notebook or file with the records needed to apply for medical and family benefits. This file could help when applying for financial aid, a job, or additional medical care. When you are not using this file, keep it in a locked place to keep it safe.

This file could include:

  • Social security card, military records, and insurance cards
  • Power of Attorney (POA)
  • Living will
  • Driver’s license, birth certificate, marriage certificate
  • School and work records