The Caregiver’s Journey / Chapter Three / Taking Care of Yourself / Problem Solving
Learning how to be a good problem solver can help you and the service member or veteran cope with stress and reduce anxiety. Therapists will often work closely with your family member to improve problem-solving skills, but these skills are just as important for caregivers to learn and practice. The following simple problem-solving steps can be effective in helping to break down problems or overwhelming tasks into something more manageable.
- Identify the problem. If the problem has many parts, break it down into one problem or task at a time.
- Brainstorm solutions. Think of as many possibilities as you can.
- Evaluate the alternatives. Consider the pros and cons of each possibility.
- Choose a solution — the one that seems to fit best for you.
- Try the solution out.
- Evaluate the solution. If it didn’t work, try another solution until you find the one that works.
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